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Version: ROS 2 Humble

Hokuyo UST10-LX

Item Numbers

DescriptionCPR ItemSales KitInstallation Kit, With Fasteners
Hokuyo UST10-LX011759027207026611
Hokuyo UST10-LX, 90° vertical mounting011759026966027224


Mass0.13 kg
Voltage, Minimum10 V
Voltage, Maximum30 V
Voltage, Sensor12 V or 24 V
Power, Average3.6 W
DataEthernet, 100 Mbit/s
Range, Minimum0.06 m
Range, Maximum10 m
Range, Accuracy± 40 mm
View, Horizontal270 °
Resolution, Horizontal0.25 °
Ingress Protection, Solids6
Ingress Protection, Liquids5
Operating Temperature, Min-10 °C
Operating Temperature, Max50 °C

Software Bringup

This sensor is included in the Clearpath Robotics robot package that is installed on all of our robots. This allows you to add or remove the sensor from your robot's software description by modifying the robot configuration yaml.

- model: hokuyo_ust
urdf_enabled: true
launch_enabled: true
parent: base_link
xyz: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
rpy: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
laser_frame_id: lidar2d_0_laser
ip_port: 10940
angle_min: -2.356
angle_max: 2.356

Package and Setup

The Hokuyo UST uses the urg_node ROS 2 package. The driver is open source, maintained by the ROS community, and hosted on GitHub.

For more specifics on the way the Clearpath's configuration system launches the driver, see the Hokuyo UST launch file and the default parameter file in clearpath_sensors.


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Further Reading

  1. Clearpath Robotics Store
  2. Datasheet
  3. User Manual
  4. Hokuyo Website
  5. ROS webpage