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Version: ROS 1 Noetic

Stack Light

DescriptionCPR Item
PACS™ kit, including mounting, controls base, and top cap027220
Kit, controls base and top cap020711
Mounting adapter020710
Light Module, Green020714
Light Module, Red020715
Light Module, Amber020716
Light Module, Blue020717
Light Module, White020718
Light Module, Yellow020719
Light Module, Magenta020720


1Channel 1, lowest module in the stack+24 VDC
2channel 2+24 VDC
3channel 3+24 VDC
4channel 4+24 VDC
5channel 5+24 VDC
6channel 6+24 VDC
7channel 7, highest possible module+24 VDC

Hardware Build

Parts List

The PACS™ kit for a stack light includes:

IDDescriptionCPR itemQuantity
1Plate—80 X 80, Attachment Interface0269141
2Stack Light Module, Mounting Adapter—Surface Mount0207101
3A and 3BBundle, Stack Light Module, Controls Base and Top Cap0207111
4Screw, Cap, Socket Head—M4×0.7 X 16, Stainless Steel0231282
5Nut, Hex, Lock, Polymer Insert—M4×0.7 X 5, Stainless Steel0198992
6Spacer, Round—Ø5.3 X Ø8 X 7, Aluminum Alloy0266124
7Screw, Cap, Round Head—M5×0.8 X 16, Stainless Steel0232574

Light Modules are not included in the PACS™ parts list since the configuration of modules depends on your specific integration. Refer to the listed Light Modules at the top of this page for common modules. Refer to this catalog for all available modules and parts, including strobing lights, and buzzers.


  1. Mount the Mounting Adapter (ID 2) to the attachment-plate (ID 1) using the M4 screws (ID 4) and nuts (ID 5). Refer to the attachment-plate's drawing notes for what holes to use for mounting the stack light.
  2. Place the Controls Base (ID 3A) onto the assembly and twist 10° clockwise to lock it in place.
  3. Make and connect a cable for controlling the stack light's modules. Refer to the Pinout Section above for details.
  4. Mount this assembly onto your robot, using the included spacers (ID 6) and screws (ID 7).
  5. Add light modules onto the assembly and twist 10° clockwise to lock them in place. This locking connection creates an IP65 weatherproof seal, and completes the electrical connection to the Controls Base.
  6. Place the Top Cap (ID 3B) onto the assembly and twist 10° to lock it in place.