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Version: ROS 2 Humble


Cameras are sensors that publish:

  • Messages of type sensor_msgs/Image to the /sensors/camera_#/color/image topic.
  • Messages of type sensor_msgs/CameraInfo to the /sensors/camera_#/color/CameraInfo topic.

This broad definition allows us to label a variety of different cameras under a single banner. Stereo cameras, for example, could publish multiple images, disparity maps, and even pointclouds. Other cameras have in built inertial measurement units that publish sensor_msgs/Imu. Ultimately, all imaging devices fall into this category.

Compressed and Theora Topics

Using the image_transport package and the image_transport_plugins, it is possible to send compressed and stream images using ROS 2 messages.

For example, the color image topic will have multiple versions:


The same publisher handles all three of these message types. Limit the number of subscribers to minimize the load on the camera driver node.

Compressed and theora types are not standard ROS 2 types, and therefore, it is required to decompress the images into standard sensor_msgs/Image messages before attempting to view them using standard tools such as RViz.

The clearpath_sensors package has launch files to convert from and to these compressed transport types. Therefore, make sure to have the package installed on the computer that will be doing the decompressing:

sudo apt install ros-humble-clearpath-sensors


Compressed image types are not serialized. These are images compressed using the JPEG format at 80% quality.

Use the launch file to compress sensor_msgs/Image messages into compressed messages.

Assume we have the following image topic we would like to compress:


Then, we can compress this image by launching the following:

ros2 launch clearpath_sensors in_raw:=/a200_0000/sensors/camera_0/raw/image out_compressed:=/a200_0000/sensors/camera_0/raw/compressed

Now, we will have the following topics:


To reverse this process, use the to decompress back to sensor_msgs/Image:

ros2 launch clearpath_sensors in_compressed:=/a200_0000/sensors/camera_0/raw/compressed out_raw:=/a200_0000/sensors/camera_0/decompressed/image

Now, we will have the following topics:



Theora topics encode images into a video stream. By default, these streams have an 800 kb/s rate.

Theora messages are not serialized, however, the first message after launching the encoder transmits the header packet. This header packet includes all of the encoding information required to decode the subsequent video packets. Therefore, if that first message is dropped or missed, then decoding the video packets back to images is not possible.

Therefore, it is important to have the decoder node running before launching the encoder node, such that the former will not miss the header packet.


Missing the header packet and being unable to decode the video packets is a known, long-standing issue with the theora image transport plugin. See this issue for more information.

Assuming we have the following topic that we would like to stream:


First, launch the decoder:

ros2 launch clearpath_sensors in_theora:=/a200_0000/sensors/camera_0/raw/theora out_raw:=/a200_0000/sensors/camera_0/decoded/image

Then, launch the encoder:

ros2 launch clearpath_sensors in_raw:=/a200_0000/sensors/camera_0/raw/image out_raw:=/a200_0000/sensors/camera_0/raw/theora

As long as the first header package is communicated without drops, the decoder will be able to decode and publish the raw image data:



All cameras publish to the color/image topic of type sensor_msgs/Image. However, we understand that sometimes this image may require downsampling, rectification, or cropping. To facilitate post processing images, we have included a method to easily add image processing nodes, leveraging composable nodes to maximize efficiency.


For more information on the image processing nodes see the ROS wiki.

Adding a republisher is simple.

  • Add a republishers tag under the camera entry.
  • Specify the type of republisher: rectify or resize.
  • Specify the input topic namespace. By default, it is color because the standard image topic will be color/image.
  • Specify the output topic namespace. By default, it is the type of the republisher: {type}/image.

Configuring a republisher can be done by setting its node parameters using the ros_parameters section.

  • Under ros_parameters add an entry for the node image_TYPE_INPUT. Note, the node name depends on the type of republisher and the input name.
  • Add any parameter key, value pair to configure the node. Otherwise, it can be left empty to use defaults.


The rectify node takes the camera_info topic as a source of calibration parameters and applies an interpolation to rectify the raw images.

To add a the rectify republisher add the following entries to the camera entry and its corresponding ros_parameters section.

- type: rectify
input: color
output: rectify
interpolation: 0

The interpolation parameter must be one of the following:

  • 0: Nearest-neighbour.
  • 1: Linear.
  • 2: Cubic.
  • 3: Area. Resampling using pixel area relation.
  • 4: Lanczos4. Lanczos interpolation over 8x8 neighbourhood.

All UPPERCASE entries must be replaced based on the specific camera being used.


The resize node uses the input image and resizes it.

To add a resize republisher add teh following entreis to the camera entry and its corresponding ros_parameters section.

- type: resize
input: color
output: resize
interpolation: 1
use_scale: True
scale_height: 1.0
scale_width: 1.0
height: -1
width: -1

If use_scale is set to true, then the scale_height and scale_width parameters will be used to resize the image. To reduce the size of the image by half, set scale_height: 0.5 and scale_width: 0.5.

If use_scale is set to false, then the height and width parameters will be used to resize the image. In this case, the exact pixel values of the desired image size can be passed.


The scale_height and scale_width parameters must be floating point values.

The height and width parameters must be integer values.

The interpolation parameters must be one of the following:

  • 0: Nearest-neighbour.
  • 1: Linear.
  • 2: Cubic.
  • 3: Area. Resampling using pixel area relation.
  • 4: Lanczos4. Lanczos interpolation over 8x8 neighbourhood.

Intel Realsense

- model: intel_realsense
urdf_enabled: true
launch_enabled: true
parent: base_link
xyz: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
rpy: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
camera_name: camera_0
device_type: d435
serial_no: "0"
enable_color: true
rgb_camera.profile: 640,480,30
enable_depth: true
depth_module.profile: 640,480,30
pointcloud.enable: true

Package and Setup

The Intel Realsense cameras use the realsense_ros ROS 2 driver. The driver is open source, maintained by Intel, and hosted on GitHub. The realsense_ros nodes depends on the the librealsense2 SDK. Both packages will be installed alongside the clearpath_sensors package.

For specifics on the way Clearpath's configuration system launches the camera, see the Intel Realsense launch file and the default parameter file in clearpath_sensors.

Device Type and Serial Number

The device_type and serial_no parameters must be set accurately to successfully launch the node. Both of these values can be found using the SDK utility.

Use the following command to see a list of connected Intel Realsense devices:


When ran without any arguments, the rs-fw-update will return information about the connected devices, as is shown below:

Nothing to do, run again with -h for help

Connected devices:
1) Name: Intel RealSense D435, serial number: 045322073417, update serial number: 041323020523, firmware version:, USB type: 3.2

The device_type is the alpha-numerical sequence in the name. In the example above, set device_type to d435.

The serial_no is the string following the serial number entry. In the example above, set serial_no to "045322073417". Make sure to use quotes to ensure that the serial number is interpreted as a string.

Flir BlackflyS

- model: flir_blackfly
urdf_enabled: true
launch_enabled: true
parent: base_link
xyz: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
rpy: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
serial_number: ''
gain_auto: Continuous
pixel_format: BayerRG8
# Resolution
# image_width: 1408
# image_height: 1080
# offset_x: 0
# offset_y: 0
# binning_x: 1
# binning_y: 1
frame_rate_enable: true
frame_rate_auto: Off
frame_rate: 40.0

Package and Setup

The Flir Blackfly cameras use the spinnaker_camera_driver ROS 2 package. The driver is open source, maintained by the ROS community, and hosted on GitHub. The spinnaker_camera_driver depends on the Spinnaker SDK, which is installed automatically alongside the package.

Before using the camera, the computer needs further setup. The setup can be done automatically using the linux setup script:

ros2 run spinnaker_camera_driver linux_setup_flir

Or, manually by following the instructions on the GitHub README.

For specifics on the way Clearpath's configuration system launches the camera, see the Flir Blackfly launch file and the default parameter file in clearpath_sensors.

Serial Number

The serial_number parameter must be set to successfully launch the node. The serial number can be found on the label on the camera. However, if this label is not available and the camera is a USB camera, connect the camera to the computer and use lsusb to its three digit Bus and Device number. Then, find the serial number using the following command, replacing BUS and DEV with the three digit numbers found in the previous step:

udevadm info --attribute-walk /dev/bus/usb/BUS/DEV | grep -i serial

The resulting output of the command should appear as:


Then, convert attirbute serial hexadecimal value to decimal representation and set it to the serial_number parameter. Convert values from hexadecimal to decimal representation using the following terminal command, where HEX needs to be swapped with the hexadecimal value:

echo $((16#HEX))

For the example above, the hexadecimal serial number 013686A9 would be converted to 20350633. Use the decimal representation to set the parameter: serial_number: 20350633.


The image_height and image_width parameters define the area of the raw image to crop. It does not downsample the image. Use the offset_x and offset_y parameters to change the origin of the cropped area. These parameters would be best used to define an area of interest.

To reduce the size of the image using downsamlping, use the binning_x and binning_y parameters. These parameters define the number of pixels that will be binned together in each axis. If both binning_x and binning_y are set to 2, then the resolution of the image will be halved.

Reducing the resolution of the image improves the perfomance of the camera driver and network transit of image packets.

Stereolabs Zed

- model: stereolabs_zed
urdf_enabled: true
launch_enabled: true
parent: base_link
xyz: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
rpy: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
general.grab_frame_rate: 30
general.serial_number: 0
general.camera_model: 'zed2'
general.grab_resolution: 'AUTO'

Package and Setup

The Stereolabs Zed cameras use the zed-ros2-wrapper ROS 2 driver. The driver is open source, maintained by Stereolabs, and hosted on GitHub. The zed_wrapper nodes depend on the the ZED SDK. The zed-ros2-wrapper ROS packages and the ZED SDK are not installed by ROS dependencies because the SDK and the wrapper depend on CUDA and need to be built against the specific version installed on your computer. Therefore, **you will have to install these manually by following the instructions in the zed-ros2-wrapper repository.

For specifics on the way Clearpath's configuration system launches the camera, see the Stereolabs Zed launch file and the default parameter file in clearpath_sensors.

Camera Model

The general.camera_model parameter must be modified to the match the type of Zed camera being used. See the list below for all models:

  • zed
  • zedm
  • zed2
  • zed2i
  • zedx
  • zedxm
  • virtual

Serial Number

The general.serial_number parameter can be left at 0 if only one camera is connected to that computer. If multiple cameras are connected, make sure to define a serial number for each.


The general.grab_resolution parameter can be modified to change the resolution preset of the camera. Not all cameras support all presets. See the list below for all presets:

  • AUTO
  • HD2K
  • HD1080
  • HD720
  • VGA