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Version: 0.9.0


Message Definitions


# Control mode message

int8 NEUTRAL=0
int8 MANUAL=1

int8 mode


# The complete state of the control selection module. This message includes the autonomy state as well as the navigation mode.

ControlState autonomy
ControlMode mode


# The autonomy state message, The autonomy can be either enabled/disabled and active/paused.

bool enabled
bool paused


# Message definition containing the information of a single dock. This includes identifiers, lat/lon and orientation of the location of a dock.

string name
string uuid
string frame
string target_template

# ISO 8601 date/time format of last successfull dock location setting
string last_location_set_time

# maximum allowable distance to allow for predocking. (ie. the distance within which the dock waypoint must be located)
float32 max_predock_distance
# the distance from the dock that the robot will navigate to prior to start docking
float32 predock_distance

# location of the dock
float64 latitude
float64 longitude
float64 heading


# Message definition containing the properties for each of the docks available.

clearpath_dock_msgs/DockInfo[] docks


# Message definition containing information on what state the docking process is in.

uint8 UNDOCKED = 0
uint8 DOCKED = 1
uint8 IN_PROGRESS = 2
uint8 FAILED = 3
uint8 CANCELLED = 4

uint8 state


# Message definition containing the state information of the target tracker.
# This includes whether or not the tracker is active, whether the target is visible/lost, and the target pose and score of that pose.

bool active

# flag indicates if the target is visible or not
bool target_locked

geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped target_pose
float32 score

# the distance of the sensor_link to the dock target
float64 distance_to_target


# Localization status message for all sources of localization

std_msgs/Header header
float32 accuracy # IN DEVELOPMENT

# status information related to the GPS receiver units
GNSSStatus position_gnss
GNSSStatus heading_gnss
GNSSStatus base_station_gnss

bool dead_reckoning


# GNSS receiver status message

uint8 receiver_type

uint8 POSITION_SPP = 1
uint8 position_fix_type

uint8 heading_fix_type

uint8 num_connected_sats # Number of satellites connected to the antenna/receiver
uint8 num_sats_solution # Number of sats used in solution
float32[] cn0 # The carrier-to-noise ratio of each connected satellite
float64 correction_age # Age of RTK corrections. -1 indicates none received


# The entire contents of the Mission database
# Note that all of the following cases are valid:
# - a Task can be referenced in multiple Waypoints
# - a Waypoint can be referenced in multiple Missions
# - a Waypoint can be orphaned (i.e. not included in any Missions)
# - a Task can be orphaned (i.e. not included in any Waypoints)

# All missions defined in the database
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Mission[] missions

# All waypoints defined in the database
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints

# All tasks defined in the database
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Task[] tasks


# Message definition for an OutdoorNav mission

std_msgs/Header header

# The human-readable name of this mission
string name

# A UUID string used to uniquely identify this mission
string uuid

# The ordered list of Waypoints that make up the mission
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints

# Configuration parameters for the mission
# Additional details TBD
string onav_config


# Message includes Euclidean and Path distance to goal

float32 euclidean
float32 path


# Message containing some metric information related to the autonomy metrics.

float64 total_distance_travelled # [m]
float64 total_duration # [s]

uint64 num_missions_sent
uint64 num_missions_completed
uint64 num_replans
uint64 num_recoveries
uint64 num_tasks_executed


# Motion state message to indicate the current motion, expected motion and the direction of travel of the robot.

# State pertaining to current motion of the robot.
uint8 MOTION_SLOWING=13 # Currently unused
uint8 motion

# State pertaining to the robot's movement along the path. Predictive, ie state
# will be INDICATOR_LEFT_TURN if in or approaching a left turn.
uint8 INDICATOR_HAZARD=25 # Currently unused
uint8 indicator

# Direction of travel of the robot relative to its physical forward direction.
uint8 direction


# Message containing the current navigation state(s). Navigation may be in multiple states.

uint8 STATE_IDLE = 0
uint8 STATE_REPLAN = 3
uint8 STATE_LOST = 6
uint8 STATE_DONE = 7
uint8 STATE_PAUSE = 9
uint8 STATE_DISABLE = 10

uint8[] states


# Message containing current and predicted odom related information

std_msgs/Header header

# Current and predicted odom
perception_navigation_msgs/Odom2DLean odom
perception_navigation_msgs/Odom2DLean predicted_odom

# Time offset corresponding to prediction
float32 dt


# Vector of point vectors (for GUI)
std_msgs/Header header

clearpath_navigation_msgs/Vector2D[] cloud

clearpath_navigation_msgs/Progress.msg (BETA)

# Message containing the completion percentage of the currently executed path and the current goal.

float32 path_progress
float32 goal_progress
float32 mission_progress


# Message definition for the detection points used by the navigation that relate to the detected obstacles.

std_msgs/Header header

string[] frames_vector
clearpath_navigation_msgs/PointVector[] cloud_vector


# A single task that can be executed at a Waypoint

# The human-readable name of this task
string name

# A UUID string to uniquely identify this Task
string uuid

# The ROS action that this task executes
string action_server_name

# The version of this task
string version

# Numerical/boolean data to be passed to the action_server_name
# The exact meaning of these values is dependent on the underlying service
float64[] floats

# String data to be passed to the action_server_name
# The exact meaning of these values is dependent on the underlying service
string[] strings


# The path error message containing the off-path cross track error and the relative heading error to the path direction

std_msgs/Header header
float32 cross_track_error
float32 heading_error


# 2D Vector of floats (used for GUI)

float32[2] point


# A single Waypoint along a Mission

# A UUID string to uniquely identify this Waypoint
string uuid

# The human-readable name of this Waypoint
string name

# The latitude (in degrees) of this Waypoint
float64 latitude

# The longitude (in degrees) of this Waypoint
float64 longitude

# The compass heading (in degrees) of this Waypoint
float64 heading

# A radius in meters indicating the acceptable radius from the target location
# Posititon tolerance is disabled if this value is negative
float64 position_tolerance

# A tolerance in degrees indicating the acceptable deviation from the heading
# Heading tolerance is disabled if this value is negative
float64 yaw_tolerance

# The ordered set of Tasks to execute once the goal position & orientation are reached
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Task[] tasks


# Platform ID message containing the model, serial #, hardware and firmware versions

string model
string serial_id
string hardware_revision
string firmware_revision


# Watchdog status message containing information related to sensor monitoring, emergency stop and safety stops

bool[] gps_watchdog_triggered
bool[] lidar_watchdog_triggered
bool[] camera_watchdog_triggered


# All missions defined in the database
cpr_navigation_msgs/Mission[] missions

# All waypoints defined in the database
cpr_navigation_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints

# All tasks defined in the database
cpr_navigation_msgs/Task[] tasks


# The ID of the next schedule to start
# Empty if nothing is scheduled
string uuid

# The time until the schedule starts (rounded to the nearest second)
duration time_to_start


# Single-execution mode; the schedule starts at the designated time and runs once
uint8 MODE_ONCE=0

# Looping mode; the schedule starts at the designated time, and every loop_interval seconds after
# for the designated number of repeats
uint8 MODE_LOOP=1

# Single-shot execution, but does NOT get added to the persistent storage
# Equivalent to MODE_ONCE, but for one-off, throw-away schedules (e.g. "Run X in 5 minutes")

# The human-readable name for this schedule
# Should be unique, but there's no hard requirement for it to be so
string name

# The unique ID of this schedule
# A string of the form "12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef"
string uuid

# The time that this mission starts every day
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/UtcTime start_time

# Either MODE_ONCE or MODE_LOOP to indicate the execution mode
uint8 mode

# In MODE_LOOP, how many times do we repeat the missions?
uint8 loop_repeats

# In MODE_LOOP, how long do we wait between executions?
duration loop_interval

# The ordered list of Mission UUIDs to execute
string[] mission_ids

# The minimum battery charge needed before we execute the missions
# Must be in the range 0-1
float32 min_battery

# If the missions take longer than this to execute, assume the schedule has failed and alert the user
# Set to zero to disable the timeout
duration timeout

# Is this schedule enabled?
# Only enabled schedules will execute
bool enabled


# Single-execution mode; the schedule starts at the designated time and runs once
uint8 MODE_ONCE=0

# Looping mode; the schedule starts at the designated time, and every loop_interval seconds after
# for the designated number of repeats
uint8 MODE_LOOP=1

# Single-shot execution, but does NOT get added to the persistent storage
# Equivalent to MODE_ONCE, but for one-off, throw-away schedules (e.g. "Run X in 5 minutes")

# The human-readable name for this schedule
# Should be unique, but there's no hard requirement for it to be so
string name

# The unique ID of this schedule
# A string of the form "12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef"
string uuid

# The time that this mission starts every day
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/UtcTime start_time

# Either MODE_ONCE or MODE_LOOP to indicate the execution mode
uint8 mode

# In MODE_LOOP, how many times do we repeat the missions?
uint8 loop_repeats

# In MODE_LOOP, how long do we wait between executions?
duration loop_interval

# The ordered list of Mission UUIDs to execute
string[] mission_ids

# The minimum battery charge needed before we execute the missions
# Must be in the range 0-1
float32 min_battery

# If the missions take longer than this to execute, assume the schedule has failed and alert the user
# Set to zero to disable the timeout
duration timeout

# Is this schedule enabled?
# Only enabled schedules will execute
bool enabled


# Represents a moment in time on a 24-hour clock

# The hour, 0-23
uint8 hour

# The minute, 0-59
uint8 minute

# The second, 0-59
uint8 second

# Milliseconds, 0-999 (not typically needed)
uint16 millisecond

Standard ROS Messages

Service Definitions


# Service definition to set the control mode

clearpath_control_msgs/ControlMode mode


# A dock information message that will be added to the docks list
clearpath_dock_msgs/DockInfo dock
# True if the location was updated/added successfully, otherwise False
bool success


# A dock information message that will be added to the docks list
string uuid
string name
# True if the location was updated/added successfully, otherwise False
bool success


# The UUID of the dock we're setting a location for
# If empty, a new dock is to be added with the location
string uuid
# True if the location was updated/added successfully, otherwise False
bool success


# The UUID of the dock we're setting a location for
# If empty, a new dock is to be added with the location
string name
# True if the location was updated/added successfully, otherwise False
bool success


# Service definition to set the datum with a latitude (lat) and longitude (lon)

float32 lat
float32 lon
bool success


# Service definition to reset the localization

bool require_gnss
uint32 gnss_samples
bool success


# The UUID of the object we're inserting/removing
# When removing, all instances with this UUID are deleted from the parent
string uuid

# The UUID of the parent object
string parent_uuid

# The zero-based index to insert the object into
# Ignored when removing
int32 position
# True if the object was added/removed successfully, otherwise False
bool ok


# The desired name for the new mission
string name

# The additional configuration options
# see clearpath_navigation_msgs/msg/Mission for details
string onav_config

# The ordered list of Waypoint UUIDs to include in this mission
string[] waypoint_ids
# The resulting Mission, with an auto-generated UUID is returned
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Mission result


# The desired name for the new mission
string name

# The additional configuration options
# see clearpath_mission_manager_msgs/msg/Mission for details
string onav_config

# The ordered list of Waypoint UUIDs to include in this mission
string[] waypoint_ids
# The resulting Mission, with an auto-generated UUID is returned
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Mission result


# The desired name for the Task
string name

# The ROS Action to invoke to execute the task
string service_call

# The version of the task
string version

# The numerical arguments to pass to the service_call
float64[] floats

# The string arguments to pass to the service_call
string[] strings

# Optional list of Waypoint UUIDs to assign this task to automatically
# The new task will be appended to the end of the existing Waypoints
string[] assign_to
# The resulting Task with an auto-generated UUID is returned
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Task result


# The desired name for the Waypoint
string name

# The latitude for the Waypoint in degrees
float64 latitude

# The longitude for the Waypoint in degrees
float64 longitude

# The compass heading in degrees for the Waypoint
float64 heading

# The position tolerance for the Waypoint in meters
float64 position_tolerance

# The orientation tolerance for the Waypoint in degrees
float64 yaw_tolerance

# Optional ordered list of Task UUIDs to execute at this Waypoint
string[] task_ids

# Optional list of Mission UUIDs to assign the new Waypoint to
# The new Waypoint is appended to the end of the existing Missions
string[] assign_to
# The resulting Waypoint with an auto-generated UUID is returned
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Waypoint result


# The UUID of the object we want to delete
string uuid
# True if the item was successfully deleted, otherwise False
bool ok


# Used to permanently delete everything from the database.
# Use this service at your own risk

# This must be set to true to confirm you really want to delete everything
bool yes_i_am_absolutely_sure_i_want_to_do_this
# True if the database was cleared, otherwise False
bool ok


# A base-64 encoded string representing a compressed version of
# the database contents.
# The data itself is a gzipped JSON string representing the database contents
# This can be written to a file or used with the ImportData.srv
# to back-up/restore the database contents
string data


# An array of all Missions defined in the database
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Mission[] missions


# The array of all Tasks defined in the database
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Task[] tasks


# The array of all Waypoints defined in the database
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints


# All Missions, Waypoints, and Tasks defined in the database
clearpath_mission_manager_msgs/StorageState state


# The UUID of the Mission we want to retrieve
string uuid
# The Mission with the given ID, or null if no Mission with that ID exists
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Mission mission


# The UUID of the Task we want to retrieve
string uuid
# The Task with the given ID, or null if no Task with that ID exists
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Task task


# The UUID of the Waypoint we want to retrieve
string uuid
# The Waypoint with the given ID, or null if no Waypoint with that ID exists
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Waypoint waypoint


# A base-64 encoded string representing a compressed version of
# the database contents.
# The data itself is a gzipped JSON string representing the database contents
# This is the same as the data output by the ExportData service, and is intended
# to be used to restore the database to a previous state
string data
# The state of the database after importing the data
clearpath_mission_manager_msgs/StorageState state


# The UUID of the mission we want to edit
string uuid

# The human-readable name for the Mission
string name

# The configuration parameters for the Mission
string onav_config

# The ordered list of Waypoint UUIDs to include in the Mission
string[] waypoint_ids
# The edited Mission, or null if no mission with the given ID exists
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Mission result


# The UUID of the Task to edit
string uuid

# The human-readable name for the Task
string name

# The ROS Action that the Task executes
string service_call

# The version of the Task
string version

# The numerical data to pass to the service_call
float64[] floats

# The string data to pass to the service_call
string[] strings
# The edited Task, or null if no Task with the given ID exists
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Task result


# The UUID of the Waypoint to edit
string uuid

# The human-readable name for the Waypoint
string name

# The latitude of the Waypoint in degrees
float64 latitude

# The longitude of the Waypoint in degrees
float64 longitude

# The compass heading of the Waypoint in degrees
float64 heading

# The Waypoint's position tolerance in meters
float64 position_tolerance

# The Waypoint's orientation tolerance in degrees
float64 yaw_tolerance

# The ordered list of Task UUIDs to execute at this Waypoint
string[] task_ids
# The edited Waypoint, or null if no Waypoint with the given ID exists
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Waypoint result


# Service definition to enable/disable the delay compensation feature. If enabling, the delay to compensate for must be specified in the request.

bool enable_delay_compensation
uint16 delay
bool success
string message


# Service definition to enable/disable the path smoothing feature. If enabling, minimum turning radius must be specified in the request.

bool enable_path_smoother
float32 turn_radius
float32 step_size
bool success
string message


# Service definition to enable/disable the path smoothing feature. If enabling, minimum turning radius must be specified in the request.

bool enable_path_shifter
float32 path_shift_offset
float32 path_shift_time
bool success
string message


# Service definition to enable/disable the stop distance. If enabling, the stop distance must be specified in the request.

bool enable_stop_distance
float32 stop_distance
bool success
string message


# The UUID of the object we're inserting/removing
# When removing, all instances with this UUID are deleted from the parent
string uuid

# The UUID of the parent object
string parent_uuid

# The zero-based index to insert the object into
# Ignored when removing
int32 position
# True if the object was added/removed successfully, otherwise False
bool ok


# The UUID of the mission to clone
string uuid

# The new name for the mission
# If blank, the old mission name will be re-used with -copy appended to the end
string new_name

# If true, the order of the waypoints within the cloned mission are reversed
bool reverse
# The Mission with the given ID, or null if no Mission with that ID exists
cpr_navigation_msgs/Mission mission

The reverse parameter was added in 0.9.0


# The desired name for the new mission
string name

# The additional configuration options
# see cpr_mission_manager_msgs/msg/Mission for details
string onav_config

# The ordered list of Waypoint UUIDs to include in this mission
string[] waypoint_ids
# The resulting Mission, with an auto-generated UUID is returned
cpr_navigation_msgs/Mission result


# The desired name for the Task
string name

# The ROS Action to invoke to execute the task
string service_call

# The version of the task
string version

# The numerical arguments to pass to the service_call
float64[] floats

# The string arguments to pass to the service_call
string[] strings

# Optional list of Waypoint UUIDs to assign this task to automatically
# The new task will be appended to the end of the existing Waypoints
string[] assign_to
# The resulting Task with an auto-generated UUID is returned
cpr_navigation_msgs/Task result


# The desired name for the Waypoint
string name

# The latitude for the Waypoint in degrees
float64 latitude

# The longitude for the Waypoint in degrees
float64 longitude

# The compass heading in degrees for the Waypoint
float64 heading

# The position tolerance for the Waypoint in meters
float64 position_tolerance

# The orientation tolerance for the Waypoint in degrees
float64 yaw_tolerance

# Optional ordered list of Task UUIDs to execute at this Waypoint
string[] task_ids

# Optional list of Mission UUIDs to assign the new Waypoint to
# The new Waypoint is appended to the end of the existing Missions
string[] assign_to
# The resulting Waypoint with an auto-generated UUID is returned
cpr_navigation_msgs/Waypoint result


# The UUID of the object we want to delete
string uuid
# True if the item was successfully deleted, otherwise False
bool ok


# Used to permanently delete everything from the database.
# Use this service at your own risk

# This must be set to true to confirm you really want to delete everything
bool yes_i_am_absolutely_sure_i_want_to_do_this
# True if the database was cleared, otherwise False
bool ok


# A base-64 encoded string representing a compressed version of
# the database contents.
# The data itself is a gzipped JSON string representing the database contents
# This can be written to a file or used with the ImportData.srv
# to back-up/restore the database contents
string data


# An array of all Missions defined in the database
cpr_navigation_msgs/Mission[] missions


# The array of all Tasks defined in the database
cpr_navigation_msgs/Task[] tasks


# The array of all Waypoints defined in the database
cpr_navigation_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints


# All Missions, Waypoints, and Tasks defined in the database
cpr_mission_manager_msgs/StorageState state


# The UUID of the Mission we want to retrieve
string uuid
# The Mission with the given ID, or null if no Mission with that ID exists
cpr_navigation_msgs/Mission mission


# The UUID of the Task we want to retrieve
string uuid
# The Task with the given ID, or null if no Task with that ID exists
cpr_navigation_msgs/Task task


# The UUID of the Waypoint we want to retrieve
string uuid
# The Waypoint with the given ID, or null if no Waypoint with that ID exists
cpr_navigation_msgs/Waypoint waypoint


# A base-64 encoded string representing a compressed version of
# the database contents.
# The data itself is a gzipped JSON string representing the database contents
# This is the same as the data output by the ExportData service, and is intended
# to be used to restore the database to a previous state
string data
# The state of the database after importing the data
cpr_mission_manager_msgs/StorageState state


# The UUID of the mission we want to edit
string uuid

# The human-readable name for the Mission
string name

# The configuration parameters for the Mission
string onav_config

# The ordered list of Waypoint UUIDs to include in the Mission
string[] waypoint_ids
# The edited Mission, or null if no mission with the given ID exists
cpr_navigation_msgs/Mission result


# The UUID of the Task to edit
string uuid

# The human-readable name for the Task
string name

# The ROS Action that the Task executes
string service_call

# The version of the Task
string version

# The numerical data to pass to the service_call
float64[] floats

# The string data to pass to the service_call
string[] strings
# The edited Task, or null if no Task with the given ID exists
cpr_navigation_msgs/Task result


# The UUID of the Waypoint to edit
string uuid

# The human-readable name for the Waypoint
string name

# The latitude of the Waypoint in degrees
float64 latitude

# The longitude of the Waypoint in degrees
float64 longitude

# The compass heading of the Waypoint in degrees
float64 heading

# The Waypoint's position tolerance in meters
float64 position_tolerance

# The Waypoint's orientation tolerance in degrees
float64 yaw_tolerance

# The ordered list of Task UUIDs to execute at this Waypoint
string[] task_ids
# The edited Waypoint, or null if no Waypoint with the given ID exists
cpr_navigation_msgs/Waypoint result


# The UUID of the schedule to clone
string uuid

# The name for the new copy of the schedule
string new_name
# The cloned schedule
# This should be identical to the original, but with a new name and new UUID
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/Schedule schedule


# The human-readable name for this schedule
# Should be unique, but there's no hard requirement for it to be so
string name

# The time that this mission starts every day
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/UtcTime start_time

# Either Schedule.MODE_ONCE, Schedule.MODE_LOOP, OR Schedule.MODE_TRANSIENT to indicate the execution mode
uint8 mode

# In MODE_LOOP, how many times do we repeat the missions?
uint8 loop_repeats

# In MODE_LOOP, how long do we wait between executions?
duration loop_interval

# The ordered list of Mission UUIDs to execute
string[] mission_ids

# The minimum battery charge needed before we execute the missions
# Must be in the range 0-1
float32 min_battery

# If the missions take longer than this to execute, assume the schedule has failed and alert the user
# Set to zero to disable the timeout
duration timeout

# Is this schedule enabled?
# Only enabled schedules will execute
bool enabled


# The created mission, as-saved on disk
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/Schedule result


# The ID of the schedule to enable/disable
string uuid

# Should this schedule be enabled or disabled?
bool enable


# True if we successfully enabled/disabled the schedule
# False if there was an error or the schedule wasn't found
bool ok


# A base-64 encoded string representing a compressed version of
# the database contents.
# The data itself is a gzipped JSON string representing the database contents
# This can be written to a file or used with the ImportData.srv
# to back-up/restore the database contents
string data


cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/Schedule[] schedules


# The ID of the next schedule to start
# Empty if nothing is scheduled
string uuid

# The time until the schedule starts (rounded to the nearest second)
duration time_to_start


string uuid
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/Schedule schedule


# A base-64 encoded string representing a compressed version of
# the database contents.
# The data itself is a gzipped JSON string representing the database contents
# This is the same as the data output by the ExportData service, and is intended
# to be used to restore the database to a previous state
string data
# The state of the database after importing the data
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/StorageState state


# The ID of the mission to edit
string uuid

# The human-readable name for this schedule
# Should be unique, but there's no hard requirement for it to be so
string name

# The time that this mission starts every day
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/UtcTime start_time

# Either Schedule.MODE_ONCE, Schedule.MODE_LOOP, OR Schedule.MODE_TRANSIENT to indicate the execution mode
uint8 mode

# In MODE_LOOP, how many times do we repeat the missions?
uint8 loop_repeats

# In MODE_LOOP, how long do we wait between executions?
duration loop_interval

# The ordered list of Mission UUIDs to execute
string[] mission_ids

# The minimum battery charge needed before we execute the missions
# Must be in the range 0-1
float32 min_battery

# If the missions take longer than this to execute, assume the schedule has failed and alert the user
# Set to zero to disable the timeout
duration timeout

# Is this schedule enabled?
# Only enabled schedules will execute
bool enabled


# The modified mission, as-saved on disk
cpr_mission_scheduler_msgs/Schedule result

Standard ROS Services

Action Definitions


# Action definition for sending a Clearpath UGV to one of its charging dock.

# goal
string uuid
bool local_mode
# result
bool success
# feedback
string state

# the distance of the charger_link to the dock target
float64 distance_to_dock


# Action definition for undocking a Clearpath UGV from one of its charging docks.

# goal
string uuid
# result
bool success
# feedback
string state

# the distance of the charger_link to the dock target
float64 distance_to_dock


# Action definition for surveying the base station

# goal
# the number of GPS fixes that will be used to compute to surveyed position
uint32 number_of_desired_fixes
# result
bool success
# feedback
# current progress, as a percentage, of the surveying
float32 percent_complete


# Action definition for sending a mission to the Clearpath OutdoorNav software

# goal
clearpath_navigation_msgs/Mission mission
# result
bool success
# feedback
string state


# Action definition for sending a Clearpath UGV to its charging dock.

# goal
uint8 DOCK = 0
uint8 UNDOCK = 1
float32 type
float32 enable_predock
# result
bool success
# feedback
string state
float64 dist_to_dock # (IN DEVELOPMENT)


# Action definition for executing a schedule on-demand
# Potentially only useful for debugging

# The UUID of the schedule to execute
string uuid

# Wait this long before starting the schedule
duration delay
# Did the schedule terminate successfully?
bool success
# The ID of the mission we're executing right now
string current_mission_uuid

# One of "waiting" or "executing" indicating what the schedule is doing
string state