cmd_vel | geometry_msgs/Twist | User | Commands the robot to drive at a velocity | System Default |
diagnostics | diagnostics_msgs/DiagnosticArray | Various nodes | Diagnostic messages reported by various nodes | System Default |
joy_teleop/cmd_vel | geometry_msgs/Twist | Joy node | Velocity commands from joystick inputs | System Default |
joy_teleop/joy | sensor_msgs/Joy | Joy node | Joystick input states | System Default |
platform/bms/state | sensor_msgs/BatteryState | Battery node | System battery state | Sensor Data |
platform/cmd_lights | clearpath_platform_msgs/Lights | User | User lighting command request | System Default |
platform/cmd_vel_unstamped | geometry_msgs/Twist | Twist Mux node | Resulting velocity commands from twist mux | System Default |
platform/dynamic_joint_states | control_msgs/DynamicJointState | Control node | Platform dynamic joint state | System Default |
platform/emergency_stop | std_msgs/Bool | MCU node | State of platform emergency stop | Sensor Data |
platform/joint_states | sensor_msgs/JointState | Control node | Platform joint state | System Default |
platform/motors/cmd_drive | clearpath_platform_msgs/Drive | Control node | Command velocities to individual wheels | Sensor Data |
platform/motors/feedback | clearpath_platform_msgs/DriveFeedback | MCU node | Feedback from motor drive unit | Sensor Data |
platform/odom | nav_msgs/Odometry | Control node | Platform wheel odometry | System Default |
platform/odom/filtered | nav_msgs/Odometry | EKF node | Platform wheel odometry fused with IMU data | System Default |
platform/wifi_connected | std_msgs/Bool | Wireless Watcher node | Wi-Fi connected status | System Default |
platform/wifi_status | wireless_msgs/Connection | Wireless Watcher node | Wi-Fi signal status | System Default |
robot_description | std_msgs/String | Robot State Publisher | Robot description | Transient Local |
tf | tf2_msgs/TFMessage | Various nodes | Link transforms | System Default |
tf_static | tf2_msgs/TFMessage | Various nodes | Static link transforms | Transient Local |
twist_marker_server/cmd_vel | geometry_msgs/Twist | Twist Marker Server | Velocity commands from twist marker | System Default |
/rosout | rcl_interfaces/Log | Various nodes | System Logs | Transient Local |