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To run all ROS 2 nodes in the background and from boot, we use robot_upstart to install the launch files as systemd services. In ROS 1 there was a single ros service that ran everything. For ROS 2 Humble, we have split this into three separate services: Platform, Sensors, and Robot.

Clearpath Platform

The clearpath-platform service launches the file found under /etc/clearpath/platform/launch/. This will launch the nodes required to operate the base platform, such as control, teleop, localization, and more. Running this service alone is enough to drive the robot, visualise it in Rviz, and get platform data. This service can be stopped or started without interrupting the sensor service.

Clearpath Sensors

The clearpath-sensors service launches the file found under /etc/clearpath/sensors/launch/. This will launch any sensors defined in the robot YAML. This service can be stopped or started without interrupting the platform service.

Clearpath Manipulators

The clearpath-manipulators service launched the file generated to /etc/clearpath/manipulators/launch. This service will launch a secondary controller_manager with the hardware interfaces and controllers required by the manipulators defined in the robot YAML. Additionally, it will launch MoveIt! with the default configuration for all manipulators. This service can be stopped or started without interrupting the platform service, allowing for the arms controllers to fail without compromising the ability for the platform to drive.

Clearpath Robot

The clearpath-robot service is the "parent" service of clearpath-platform and clearpath-sensors. If it is restarted, then both the platform and sensors services will restart. This service will run all of the generators in the PreExec step, before allowing the two dependent services to start. While the platform and sensors services are running, the robot service will periodically check for changes in the robot.yaml file. If a change is detected the service restarts, re-generating all files and restarting the platform and sensors services.