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Collision Avoidance Parameters

General Environment Variables

ENABLE_COLLISION_AVOIDANCEFlag to enable/disable collision avoidance/opt/onav/<onav_version>/config/autonomy.envfalse


Determine the file location of the parameter

The parameters related to the costmap, can be found here:


If they are not listed in the above file, it is because they are using the default values and are not being overwritten.

The following parameters can be used to modify the costmap, specifically when trying to tune collision avoidance.

ParameterDescriptionNamespaceSI Units
widthThe width of the costmap/navigation/<global/local>_costmapm
heightThe height of the costmap/navigation/<global/local>_costmapm
inflation_radiusThe radius to which the map inflates obstacle cost values/navigation/<global/local>_costmap/inflationm
cost_scaling_factorA scaling factor to apply to cost values during inflation. The cost function is computed as follows for all cells in the costmap further than the inscribed radius distance and closer than the inflation radius distance away from an actual obstacle/navigation/<global/local>_costmap/inflation-