Autonomy API
The Autonomy provides some relevant topics and services suitable for controlling and monitoring the robot as it is performing autonomous navigation.
Topics Published by Autonomy
The OutdoorNav software publishes to the topics in this section either all the time or while an autonomous navigation missions is running. They can be used to monitor the behaviour of OutdoorNav.
Message Type: geometry_msgs/Twist
Description: The safe output velocity from the assisted teleop node computes. If assisted teleop is enabled the UGV will use this velocity.
Message Type: geometry_msgs/Polygon
Description: The footprint that the assisted teleop node uses to compute if it is in a collision state.
Message Type: clearpath_safety_msgs/ObstacleMap
Description: The radial mapping of detected obstacles used to populate the joystick on the OutdoorNav UI.
Message Type: nav_msgs/Path
Description: The path used by assisted teleop to lookahead for collisions.
Message Type: nav_msgs/Path
Description: Footprint sets used for detecting obstacles and slowing down the robot to a standstill. The footprints are modular in size according to the current velocity of the robot.
Message Type: clearpath_safety_msgs/AssistedTeleopState
Description: The current state of the assisted teleop node including any error conditions that may occur.
Message Type: clearpath_control_msgs/ControlSelectionState
Description: Indicates the complete state of control selection including autonomy state and mode.
Message Type: clearpath_control_msgs/ControlMode
Description: Current control mode (NEUTRAL, MANUAL, AUTONOMY).
Message Type: clearpath_dock_msgs/DockProperties
Description: A list of docks, in which each dock includes information related to the location, id, etc...
Message Type: clearpath_dock_msgs/DockState
Description: The current state of the docking process.
Message Type: nav_msgs/Odometry
Description: The robot's current pose and velocity.
Message Type: clearpath_localization_msgs/LocalizationStatus
Description: Current localization status. Includes accuracy, GNSS status, and whether the robot is dead reckoning.
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/MissionActionFeedback
Description: Feedback topic from the mission action.
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/MissionActionResult
Description: Result topic from the mission action.
Message Type: geometry_msgs/Twist
Description: This output commanded velocity from the autonomy software (OutdoorNav) to control the velocity of the platform. It is commonly relayed directly into the UGV's velocity controller.
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/DistanceToGoal
Description: The current Euclidean distance and the path distance, in meters, from the robot to its current goal.
Message Type: geometry_msgs/Polygon
Description: The footprint of the robot.
Message Type: nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
Description: An occupancy grid consisting of the Free, Occupied or Unknown space that the robot uses to plan paths in the environment.
Message Type: nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
Description: An occupancy grid consisting of the Free, Occupied or Unknown space that the robot uses to detect obstacles.
Message Type: nav_msgs/Path
Description: The MPC local plan that the navigation uses to control the robot along the reference path.
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/Metrics
Description: This topic provides metric information regarding the lifetime of the navigation. This includes the total distance travelled, duration run, as well as mission information such as how many missions have been sent, how many have been completed and the number of replanning maneuvers, recoveries and number of tasks executed.
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/MotionState
Description: This topic provides information about the motion state of the robot. This includes information about whether the robot is moving or stopped. Whether it is about to make a turn and the direction of the turn, and the direction of travel of the robot in regards to its physical orientation.
/navigation/odom_intent (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/OdomIntent
Description: The robot's current pose and velocity as well as an intended pose and velocity in the immediate future.
Message Type: geometry_msgs/PoseArray
Description: The path that the robot is currently traversing. This is initialized with the initial path and may be updated with paths generated from replanning maneuvers.
/navigation/progress (BETA)
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/Progress
Description: The completion percentage of the current path, the current goal and the current mission.
Message Type: geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped
Description: Footprint sets used for detecting obstacles and slowing down the robot to a standstill. The footprints are modular in size according to the current velocity of the robot.
/navigation/scan_points (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/ScanPoints
Description: Scans and pointclouds from the various ROS message formats converted into a simple PointVector format that can be easily consumed by the UI.
/navigation/state (BETA)
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/NavigationState
Description: The current navigation state. The available states are COMPUTE PATH, EXECUTE, REPLAN, NAVIGATING AROUND OBSTACLE, RECOVERY, IDLE, PAUSE, ESTOP, LOST. Multiple simultaneous states are possible.
Message Type: clearpath_navigation_msgs/TrackError
Description: The current crosstrack error (ie. the off-path distance between the robot and the reference path) and as well as the heading error (ie. the difference between the current heading and the path direction).
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/DeleteLog
Description: Deletes a log as specified by the UUID provided. If the purge flag is set the log will be removed from the internal records entirely. If not, then the record will be marked as deleted and the meta data preserved, though the log data will still be deleted.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/DownloadLog
Description: Converts the record with the given UUID into a KMZ file.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/DownloadLog
Description: Zips the raw contents of the record.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/GetAllLogs
Description: Returns an array of all Event logs recorded in the database.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/RecordCustomEvent
Description: Adds a custom event to the currently recording log. Automatic telemetry, like power and location are added to the event if possible.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/RecordErrorEvent
Description: Add an error/debugging event to the currently recording log.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/RecordEvent
Description: Add a fully formed event to the currently recording log.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/RecordLocationEvent
Description: Adds a location event to the currently recording log. Automatic telemetry like power is added to the event if possible.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/RecordMediaEvent
Description: Adds a media-recording event to the currently recording log. The media file is symlinked into the log directory. Automatic telemetry like power is added to the event if possible.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/RecordPowerEvent
Description: Add a power event to the currently recording log. Automatic telemetry like location is added to the event if possible.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/StartRecording
Description: Start recording a new log.
Message Type: clearpath_logger_msgs/StopRecording
Description: Stop recording the active log.
Message Type: clearpath_safety_msgs/Safety
Description: Flag denoting if autonomy should be stopped due to any of the following reasons: emergency stop active, one of the sensors has triggered the safety monitor watchdog.
/safety/watchdog_status (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Message Type: clearpath_safety_msgs/WatchdogStatus
Description: Provides a list of status flags for each of the possible sensors that may trigger a safety stop. The watchdog will trigger if the sensor times out (ie. does not publish a relevant ROS message for 1 second).
Message Type: clearpath_dock_msgs/TargetTrackerState
Description: The state information for target tracker used as part of docking.
Message Type: clearpath_dock_msgs/UndockActionFeedback
Description: Feedback topic from the undock action.
Message Type: clearpath_dock_msgs/UndockActionResult
Description: Result topic from the undock action.
Topics Subscribed to by Autonomy
The OutdoorNav software subscribes to the topics in this section. They can be used to control the behaviour of OutdoorNav.
Message Type: geometry_msgs/Twist
Description: Platform-level commanded velocity. This should be the velocity tracked by the platforms velocity controller.
Message Type: actionlib_msgs/GoalID
Description: This topic is used to cancel all the missions that have been sent to the OutdoorNav software.