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Version: 0.10.0

Navigation Parameters


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The parameters related to the controller, can be found here:


If they are not listed in the above file, it is because they are using the default values and are not being overwritten.

MPC Controller

MBF Plugins

Currently we have implemented a Move-Base Flex controller plugin named: OnavMbfMpcController

Two instances of this plugin are loaded at runtime by our navigation node (as seen in the table below). The parameters are equivalent for each instance of the plugin but the values of certain of these parameters are different.

Controller nameDescription
mpc_controllerThe controller used during normal navigation and applies to tracking the paths generated between all the mission waypoints.
mpc_dock_controllerThe controller used during docking and applies only to tracking the dock and undock paths.

MPC State Machine

The MPC controller operates as a state machine that contains the following states:

MPC StateDescriptionCondition
DEFAULTStandard tracking behavior.Will revert to this state if none of the other state conditions are met.
GOALTracking behavior as the UGV approaches the goal.Will enter GOAL mode when the goal_horizon_threshold parameter distance to the goal has been reached.
PRECISEState when more precision is required in the tracking.At the start of the path, we begin in Precise mode to ensure that we have a good start to tracking.
RESCUEState to rescue the tracker when the UGV is stuck.Will enter RESCUE mode when UGV is appraching a condition that make it stuck.
HYSTERESISState when you the UGV requires compensation for tire flexion.Will enter HYSTERESIS mode when the UGV detects that it will begin oscillating due to tire deformation.
CORNERState when there is a curve or a corner ahead.Will enter CORNER mode when the UGV approaches, within a corner_lookahead parameter distance, to a corner with at least corner_detection_threshold of a curvature.

Default State Parameters

The following list defines the default parameters that the MPC controller uses. For the most part, they apply to all states of the MPC controller.

ParameterDescriptionNamespaceSI Units
vehicle_lengthThe length (longitudinally) of the UGV./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm
mpc_horizonThe prediction horizon of the MPC./navigation/<controller>/path_trackers
max_lookaheadMaximum distance along the path we seek to follow. Affects how far we do collision checks as well as the maximum velocity of the UGV./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm
min_lookaheadMinimum distance along the path we seek to follow. Affects how far we do collision checks as well as the maximum velocity of the UGV./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm
lookahead_smootherFactor between 0 and 1 that determines the smoothness of the change in lookahead distance: 0 means only maximum velocity is used to determine the horizon (can be jumpy but speeds up the UGV faster); 1 means only averaged planned velocity is used to determine the horizon (smoother but speeds up the UGV slowly)./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
lookahead_factorHow aggressively do we want to increase the lookahead from min_lookahead to max_lookahead/navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
mpc_opt_maxiterationThe maximum number of iterations that the solver will run. Increase this value for better performance, decrease for shorter computation time./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
discretization_stepsNumber of grid points along the MPC prediction; Lower: less accuracy, but faster/navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
max_fwd_velocityThe maximum allowable linear velocity that the MPC controller can compute./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s
min_fwd_velocityThe minimum allowable linear velocity, in any mode, that the MPC controller can compute. This can be used to overcome the different deadbands that different UGVs may have./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s
max_rev_velocityThe maximum allowable reverse linear velocity (ie. positive value), in any mode, that the MPC controller can compute. By default this is set to the max_fwd_velocity, so only needed if your maximum linear reverse velocity is different than the forward linear velocity./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s
max_ang_velocityThe maximum allowable angular velocity, in any mode, that the MPC controller can compute. This parameter bounds both positive and negative angular velocities./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerrad/s
max_accelThe maximum allowable linear acceleration, in normal navigation mode, that the MPC controller can compute./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s/s
max_decelThe maximum allowable linear deceleration (ie. negative value), in any mode, that the MPC controller can compute./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s/s
max_ang_accelThe maximum allowable angular acceleration, in any mode, that the MPC controller can compute. This parameter bounds both positive and negative angular accelerations./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerrad/s/s
max_lateral_accelThe maximum allowable lateral acceleration, in any mode, that the MPC controller can compute. This parameter bounds both positive and negative lateral accelerations./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s/s
stiction_compensator_fwdThe minimum linear velocity for movement of the UGV. This should typically be the minimum linear velocity that the UGV requires for it to move./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s
stiction_compensator_yawThe minimum angular velocity for movement of the UGV. This should typically be the minimum angular velocity that the UGV requires for it to move./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s
x_weightWeight for state x in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: DEFAULT./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
y_weightWeight for state y in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: DEFAULT./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
yaw_weightWeight for state yaw in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: DEFAULT./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
fwd_v_weightWeight for state ẋ (forward velocity) in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: DEFAULT./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
yaw_d_weightWeight for state (yaw velocity) in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: DEFAULT./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
fwd_a_weightWeight for state ẍ (forward acceleration) in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: DEFAULT./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
yaw_a_weightWeight for state (yaw acceleration) in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: DEFAULT./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
horizon_percent_changeThe percentage factor used when shortening the MPC horizon. This will affect how quickly we want to speed up after a curvature slowdown./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
error_slowdown_multiplierThe amount by which to increase the MPC horizon based on the crosstrack and/or heading error. This should be greater than 1.0 since increasing the MPC horizon will decrease the maximum MPC velocity. ** Less than 1.0 will result in the opposite behaviour which is not the expected behaviour for this parameter./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
crosstrackerror_slowdownThreshold on the amount of crosstrack error, above which to a slowdown the UGV./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
headingerror_slowdownThreshold on the amount of heading error, above which to a slowdown the UGV./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
curvature_slowdownThreshold on the path curvature, above which to a slowdown the UGV./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
endpoint_multiplierWeight multiplier of the very last point along the local plan segment in MPC state: DEFAULT. This value ensures convergence/stability of the optimizer by mimicking the MPCs infinite horizon by applying a terminal cost./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
shrinking_horizon_minThe minimum horizon that will be used in the computation. This value will prevent the horizon from dropping below this value during all the horizon adjustments./navigation/<controller>/path_trackers
crosstrack_toleranceThe amount of lateral error that the controller will handle before stopping the UGV and replanning a new path./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm
reference_trajectory_factorA factor that will skew the path parameter. This value should be between 0 and 1. Values closer to 0.0 will skew the path param closer to the UGV, decreasing speed but increasing the accuracy of the path tracking, and vice versa as you approach 1.0./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm

Goal State Parameters

The following parameters can be modified to tune the controller as it approaches the goal point as well as its behavior around the goal point.

ParameterDescriptionNamespaceSI Units
goal_horizon_thresholdThe distance from the goal point which the MPC state will switch into state: GOAL , and begin reducing the horizon accordingly./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm
goal_slowdown_multiplierThe multiplier by which to increase the MPC horizon during the MPCs GOAL state in order to slow the UGV down from its top speed. This value should be greater than 1.0./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
max_speed_at_goalThe maximum allowable speed at the goal point for the controller to stop and consider the goal complete. On OEM UGVs, this value should be increased./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm/s
x_weight_goalWeight for state x in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: GOAL./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
y_weight_goalWeight for state y in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: GOAL./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
yaw_weight_goalWeight for state yaw in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: GOAL./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
fwd_v_weight_goalWeight for state ẋ (forward velocity) in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: GOAL./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
yaw_d_weight_goalWeight for state (yaw velocity) in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: GOAL./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
fwd_a_weight_goalWeight for state ẍ (forward acceleration) in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: GOAL./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
yaw_a_weight_goalWeight for state (yaw acceleration) in MPC cost function, in the MPC state: GOAL./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
endpoint_multiplier_goalWeight multiplier of the very last point along the local plan segment in MPC state: GOAL. This value ensures convergence/stability of the optimizer by mimicking the MPCs infinite horizon by applying a terminal cost./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker
goal_tolerance_xy_rtkThe (x, y) tolerance value (ie. radius) assigned to a goal, when RTK is enabled, in order to determine whether or not to consider the goal complete./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm
goal_tolerance_yaw_rtkThe yaw tolerance value (ie. heading) assigned to a goal, when RTK is enabled, in order to determine whether or not to consider the goal complete./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerrad
goal_tolerance_xy_nortkThe (x, y) tolerance value (ie. radius) assigned to a goal, when RTK is disabled, in order to determine whether or not to consider the goal complete./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm
goal_tolerance_yaw_nortkThe yaw tolerance value (ie. heading) assigned to a goal, when RTK is disabled, in order to determine whether or not to consider the goal complete./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerrad

Corner State Parameters

The following parameters can be modified to tune the behavior of the controller during and as it as it approaches corners.

ParameterDescriptionNamespaceSI Units
corner_segment_slowdownFlag to enable/disable the slowdown behaviour in MPC state: CORNER/navigation/<controller>/path_trackerbool
corner_lookaheadThe distance on the reference path from the UGVs current location, along which to determine if a corner is present. If a corner is present the MPC state will switch to CORNER state and begin reducing the horizon accordingly./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm
corner_detection_thresholdThreshold on the path curvature, between the UGVs current location and the end of the corner_lookahead distance, above which to switch the MPC in state: CORNER, and begin reducing the horizon accordingly./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerrad
corner_slowdown_multiplierThe multiplier by which to increase the MPC horizon during the MPCs CORNER state in order to slow the UGV down from its top speed. This value should be greater than 1.0./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--
endpoint_multiplier_cornerWeight multiplier of the very last point along the local plan segment in MPC state: CORNER. This value ensures convergence/stability of the optimizer by mimicking the MPCs infinite horizon by applying a terminal cost./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker--

OEM Specific Parameters

When tuning the controller on a third-party OEM UGV, there are several other considerations that we will not have taken into account during the tuning of our UGVs. Below, we define parameters that may be modified to tune the controller for your third-party OEM UGV.

UGV Dynamics

The following parameters can be used to modify the dynamics model that the contrller uses to compute command velocities.

ParameterDescriptionNamespaceSI Units
no_turn_on_spot_motionFlag to enable/disable turn on spot motion. By default, the MPC motion model is represented by a differential drive kinematics. This parameter will modify the MPC motion model to remove turn in place motions and bias the motion in the forward direction./navigation/<controller>/path_tracker-
pivot_point_offset_xThe longitudinal offset that can be applied to the MPC model in order to account for a particular UGVs center of rotation/navigation/<controller>/path_tracker-
pivot_point_offset_yThe lateral offset that can be applied to the MPC model in order to account for a particular UGVs center of rotation/navigation/<controller>/path_tracker-
Delay Compensation

The following parameters can be used to compensate for any delays that are present in the system.

ParameterDescriptionNamespaceSI Units
enable_delay_compensationA boolean flag to enable/disable the delay compensation feature. The delay compensation feature is used to compensate for low-level dynamics delays that may be present in the UGV to be controlled. The user can apply an input controller delay and the feature will compute command velocities that compensate for such a delay./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerbool
controller_delayThe amount of controller delay that the delay compensation feature will attempt to compensate for, in ms./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerms
Stop Distance

The following parameters can be used to set a specific stop distance away from obstacles.

ParameterDescriptionNamespaceSI Units
enable_stop_distanceA flag to use enable/disable the stop distance feature. The stop distance feature forces the UGV to stop a specified distance in front of obstacles./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerbool
obstacle_stop_distanceThe distance at which the UGV will stop in front of a detected obstacle./navigation/<controller>/path_trackerm

Path Planners

Information incoming in release 0.9. Please contact Clearpath customer support at to discuss the issue.